08 April 2008

Springtime In The Bluegrass

i've gone back to work once again. it's nice to be outside again. i knew it would be difficult.. greg gets home to keep haden right as it's time for me to leave. yesterday was our first weekday with this new situation and i must say, it's going to be rough.
i'm so tired. my body hurts, but that's ok; i know my aching muscles need to be utilized. maybe some of the weight i've gained will start to go away. i am grateful for the health to be outside in the conditions the nursery provides, which can be harsh under the sun in the south.
the garden center is just now beginning to get in all the annuals and there is color everywhere. the trees are blooming and anytime i like, i can walk by the trees for the scent of cherry blossoms floating on the breeze. bees fly off of the salvia as i water and hover around me, and i don't worry because i know they understand that i'm not there to hurt them, i'm helping their pollen source stay healthy. they're tiny allies and i feel like they know i appreciate them and care for the flowers.
there is a large demand for straw and i love climbing into the trailer and climbing all over the bails and hauling them out. it reminds me of childhood, of hay rides. the smell is comforting.
at night when the lights go off and i see the moon rise above the tables of plants and rows of trees. last night it was a cheshire cat smile. the air was cool after a perfect, mild day.
they call the summer months at lowe's the "hundred days of hell", but it's my time to shine. it does get insanely busy, hot, hectic, and chaotic. i do get scraped, cut, scratched, dirty, sore, blistered, bruised, and sunburned (no matter how much sunblock i wear), then weathered and tan. i have to scrub my fingernails and toenails in the shower every night, wash the layers of dirt off of me, cold cream my burned face. the management really under-pays and under-appreciates. i feel like a mexican laborer at times. but the customers, the nice ones, are so great. they're fun to help and i love how excited people feel about planting. i enjoy being able to assist someone in planting something living in the earth and helping it flourish.
i'm loving it today. in another month it'll all be bitching, but i love that i have it to bitch about, as little sense as that makes. i miss my old sales supervisor debi. i wonder about her, and mike the team leader too. they both taught me so much about my job. i miss the memphis lowes and the crazy coworkers. living and working in a small town store that's about 80,000 square feet smaller is a very different experience. but i have met some cool people, like sierra, who is still getting used to kentucky like me, and kari, who somehow manages to keep long fancy ass painted/glittered nails even though she's a hands-on sales supervisor.
also, i would rather be busy any day at a job than look at my watch over and over, wondering why the time is dragging by so slowly. i am so tired and it's only just now beginning...

and i am trying to start school too.