08 September 2008

Asters & Bee Stings

so in my dream i'm at work and i clock out but remember the bees sent me a message to please give them all the aster blooms so they could chow on the pollen and whatnot. so i go back and carry out the goods to give em to the bees, who by and large i feel a good vibe off of, and one sticks to my finger. these are these huge ass bees, fuzzy and intimidating. i ignore it for a sec then try to knock it off b/c i want it to quit stinging me, b/c it's a really big bee. but as it falls it claws onto my hands, and when it's dead and gone i have a hole in my finger and black gaping holes across my opposite and left palm. i'm wounded. they hurt.

i've been avoiding the bees all day. yesterday while i was watering, i sprayed the top of the perennials and watched them all rise and for the first time, became intimidated by the beats. i apologized and went back to watering like i do, at the pot, so as not to disturb their work. but i had that dream and today i have been evasive.

maya woke me up last nite, saying she'd had a bad dream about zombies. this morning she said she thought it was b/c of spongebob. i told her she watches too much of that squarepants fellow yesterday afternoon.
back to work...