So here are the rules:
Post the rules
Answer the questions
Create 11 new questions
Tag 11 people with a link to your post
Let them know you’ve tagged them
Do you have a test or tests that help you judge someone’s character? Loaning them something that they will have to pay me back for & waiting to see if they will actually do it.
When did you first feel like a grown-up? I guess when I realized I was no longer at home in my parents' house. It was sad.
What is something you read that made you wish you could write that well? The Gospel of Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal, and many things by Vonnegut & Tom Robbins. Also, the simple beauty of The Giving Tree.
What do you say when you answer the phone? Usually I say "what up dude?" (or lady, or mama- depending on who it is). If its not someone I know, I stick with the traditional hello.
Have you ever stiffed someone on a tip? Maybe a couple of times if they totally sucked. They'd have to have done something really crappy though.
Do you have a favorite writing utensil? I like roller ball pens.
Do you use a calendar? Sho nuff.
Do you have road rage? Only if I'm super late for something & people are driving like jerks. Or if someone is blatantly rude to me first.
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night but not all night. The graveyards shifts I worked were killing me.
What surprised you about blogging when you first started? It honestly wasn't surprising, but it made me realize I didn't want everyone on the net getting to read anything too personal... Bc what If they knew me & gossip & drama!!!... You know. So I tried to be more guarded.
If you could drink anything at all, what would you choose? This immediately sends me to adult beverage mode bc I've been pregnant forever. Bloody Mary. Yum.
Now for the eleven questions my friend concocted:
Coke or Pepsi? Or Fanta (we don’t judge)? Dr Pepper
What is your guilty pleasure? Definitely not admitting this online.
The Beatles or the Rolling Stones? Beatles. But in terms of single artist, Bob Dylan hands down.
Describe your first crush. A kid who Ninja Turtles with me in 2nd grade.
How often do you respond to/ pass along blogging honors, such as the Versatile Blogging Award? I so suck, not a very active blogger.. I still journal!
Where would you travel if you could go anywhere? India, Nepal, Thailand. And I'd like to see Macchu Pichu.
Did you have cable TV growing up? My granny got it as a treat for us when I was in 1st grade, then at some point in the country where my parents' home was, Dad bootlegged it.
What’s the most interesting thing you’ve ever eaten? Um... for some reason this sends my mind to a dirty place.
Why do you blog? Because I like to write & always have, it makes me timeless.
What’s the worst gift you’ve ever been given? I'm not sure. I probably re-gifted it.
Any baby advice? Roll with the punches.
Now I'm supposed to write 11 ?s... but I don't have anyone to tag. However, stuff to ponder:
When you were little, if you were a girl, did you kiss frogs or toads trying to turn them into princes? If you were a boy, did you ever needlessly kill frogs?
What was the best nighttime dream you remember having?
Tell me about one of your favorite local dive bars or restaurants & your fave thing to get there and why.
What's the most physically uncomfortable you've ever been?
Coffee or tea & what's your fave drink of your bean or leaf water choice?
Have you ever skinny dipped & if so what was your experience like (or favorite one if you've done it repeatedly)?
In terms of alcohol what's your fave kind? Beer, liquor, wine? Fave adult drink?
What's your favorite season & why?
What do you consider to be the coolest city you've visited or lived in & why?
Have you ever seen the Northern Lights?
If you could live in any city for a while, where would it be? Or would you want to settle down there?