'Shenanigans'. That seems fitting, right? In case you're unfamiliar, the word "shenanigan" means specifically (according to the lovely folks at Merriam Webster): 1.: a devious trick used especially for an underhand purpose; 2a : tricky or questionable practices or conduct —usually used in plural, b : high-spirited or mischievous activity —usually used in plural.
Why, you may ask? Because inevitably, this ends up going down in any notable bar. I am able to write about my life in some sort of entertaining fashion primarily because of the establishment in which I currently work.
Things to remember:
- some people (grown, middle aged men- not just teenagers, kids!) will smoke weed wherever they want to, regardless of the fact that it's legal or not
- other people (same age group, in this instance) will straight walk around with remnants of cocaine on their faces, even though they've just been in a bathroom snorting it, where you know there's mirrors!! Just look at your face, sir! Don't walk out and make your lovely bartender have to point out the blow on your face!
- it is NEVER a good idea to let your bar staff shoot Jameson and drink unlimited PBR throughout their shifts. I mean, it's interesting, but it's hard to count money after a while and I'm pretty sure it's led to things being lit on fire by the bartenders... I wish I could remember that better.
Um... by the way, I'm NEVER going to open a bar...