11 March 2011

Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ In Memory of Stephanie "Chad" Harrison Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ

From SunshineUnderground.net

Some comments from this thread:

05:24 PM, March 28th, 2007
For The Friends of Chad Harrison
Author: soundboy

Probably the candy raver of all time in the Memphis party scene Chad Harrison( thin, shaved head, cute cute, extremely kind and sweet girl) died this week in a car wreck with her sister Lily Harrison (who survived, but is still in the hospital). Her funeral is going to be at The Memphis Funeral Home at 3700 N. Germantown Rd on Saturday at 2pm. There will be a visitation on Friday between 5-8. They need Chads male friends to help with being pall bearers at the funeral.. If u knew Chad or know Lily share some love or kind words. Chad was in my opinion one of the nicest, kindest, most selfless and genuine people that has ever blessed the party scene in Memphis! U will be missed greatly Chad, but you left behind quite a legacy of spreading peace love unity and respect for everyone!

01:39 AM, March 30th, 2007

Re: For The Friends of Chad Harrison

Author: Better ways to Die

I met Chad before she got into the party scene- and even back then, she was all about making other people happy. She was always open to share whatever she had others, and never judged people. We connected again in the party scene, and she showed me a world like no other- I remember going to her house, and having the time of my life.

I remember getting the cutest candy ever from her!

I remember her always having the cutest outfits at the party and dancing all night and being happy! She always influenced people with her smile and joyful spirit!

I remember going to her house and at the end of the night, having 10 or more people surrounded in a circle making candy bracelets cause it just made us happy to do so!

I remember her "Fuckable Party Kids" list that she had! I still think it is the best thing ever. It's not always about the looks, but about the person, and she really brought this out and made others recognize this-

I remember she and her sister together- They were the best of friends- through good and bad- they were always there for eachother. An example we should all follow-

I remember going to the beach with her and Leslie-

I remember Stephanie dancing with the grace and beauty of a ballet dancer- Many people looked at her strangely because of her hair- but I thought she was beautiful! She was a beautiful person inside and out- She lived a hard life growing up, but she never let that show- She went out of her way to make sure everyone else had a smile on their face!

Stephanie- I wish I were able to tell you this today, but when we were in high school together, you were the one who inspired me to be who I was then, and am today- you taught me to stand up and out for myself- to be happy no matter what- to make those around me happy- And I'm sorry for not being able to be there for you now. For not having been there these past few years.

May you rest in peace, oh beautiful Stephanie! You are at peace at last! May your heaven be full of beautiful people and majestic peace~

With All of my love-

There are a few other posts on the link, but I wanted to share some of them for you..

I ran into an old raver friend from way back at The Cove recently, super sweet girl, really big heart, always very sweet, used to see her at parties at Headliners and the Fairgrounds and such. How in the world it clicked where I knew her from is beyond me, but I remembered!! We started talking about the scene and people we used to know, and I mentioned Chad, asking if she knew she'd passed away. She didn't. I felt terrible and didn't know how to find her info, all I knew was that someone emailed me the forum link in 2007 when it happened. I was living in Kentucky, and as I read the words of soundboy, I cried with a hurt that has never gone away.

Stephanie, who went by "Chad", was a truly beautiful person. She was captivating. It was the one of the biggest highlights of my night when I would run into her. Slender, 5'6" or so, with these big, earnest, insightful blue eyes.. Chad was always smiling, always sweet. She would bring candy to parties for kids to enjoy, and it was always the bestest type of candy for the type of raves we were attending. Her hugs and greetings always made me feel so special. Even after I had to leave the scene (mid 2000) to have a child, I would still see her at 4/20 at Overton Park, and one year she brought a ton of bracelets that she'd made to give away. The one she gifted me is on my wrist right now, and I wear it often. glow in the dark plastic star beads, with green, light green, and blue beads in between the stars.. and alphabet letters spell out CHAOS.

I only have fond memories of her. I only hung out with her personally one time, when I picked her up from her house and took her to CK's in Bartlett, where we had coffee and talked for a long time.. I don't even remember what about really.. she was so captivating, I thought she was beautiful. She was the first girl to ever kiss me (at a party, neither one of us were sober), but the night we went out she kissed me under the influence of nothing. [At this point I will explain that no, I'm not gay, but if I would have ever been in a relationship with a chick, it would've been her for sure. I don't remember the exact last time I kissed a chick or a chick kissed me, but it's been years.. and I'm pretty sure inebriation was the cause. In any case, I do believe girls kiss way better than guys.. but then again, what can we not do better? (JOKE!) Anyway, she was magic. She was like a little kind pixie and I adored her.

The last time I saw her was at Overton Park. She gave me a big hug and although we hadn't seen one another in years, it made me feel so special to be recognized by her. She has always had such a special place in my heart. What an amazing person, and what a tragic circumstance that took her away from this plane of existence. My heart still goes out to her sister, who I doubt would remember me, as well as her family, who I never even met.. but my conversation at work last night reminded me of her more than the constantly worn bracelet.. and damn I miss that girl. I wish I could tell her how unique and amazing I thought she was, and how much joy she brought into my life. Even though I only got a glimpse of her world, I'm so grateful I had the opportunity to spend time with her.

Chad, Stephanie.. for me you will always be forever young, forever loved, and forever in my heart. I miss you.

If anyone has any pics of her, please send a message or comment and let me know. I would love to see her face again. Thanks so much.

"Do you realize
That you have the most beautiful face?
Do you realize
We're floating in space?
Do you realize
That happiness makes you cry?
Do you realize
That everyone you know someday will die?

And instead of saying all of your goodbyes
Let them know you realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round..."
~The Flaming Lips~