18 March 2009

St Patty's Day was Yesterday

... & i hate myself as a drunk person.  i want to apologize to the world for being a person who sucks when they're intoxicated.  it's 24-plus hours later and i still feel like ass.  i didn't have so much, but i guess the intake ratio + the fact i hadn't done it in a while + green food coloring = sick barfy coley who acted a fool and then even got to work on time the next day, just to have to leave from being that sick.  not happening again.  way to be unprofessional, un-grownup, etc.  i know i may be hardest on myself, but i have to be.  i'm responsible for myself and my own actions. 
   it's hard being a mom with a more than full time job.  i wish i could work part time and be with my kids.  i wish life were easy not hard.  i wish money were simple to come by.  i wish i could see more of the world.  i wish i could be the best mom ever who never made mistakes.  i wish i could love myself more.  til then i'm still around.  much love.