29 May 2007

who writes these and why do i care about answering them?

1. Do you prefer to be called sexy or beautiful?
i dunno. if its some perv, not sexy

2. What is your favorite nickname someone has made for you?

3. If you get a custom made license plate, what would you want it to say?
lol. i dunno. i saw one at a rainbow gathering once that said "luvinu"! nice.

4. Do you prefer reading out loud or in your head?
in my head, although i am great at reading aloud

5. When your parents fight how nasty does it get?
jesus. it's wretched.

6. When's the last time you ate a chocolate chip muffin?
damn that sounds good.

7. What was your dream job when you were a child? Is it still the same?
farmer. i would like to do it, but not like i used to picture it... now i want to have my own land and work it. i'm such an effin hippie.

8. It's all about the third sequels these days. Which one are you most interested in?
shrek the third.

9. How often do you get your hair cut?
hardly ever, but then i recently hacked it all off.

10. How much are you willing to pay for a pair of jeans?
um, 20 bucks or so. if it was someone else's money, more. i usually get kicked down jeans. in fact, the only pair i have were my cousin's.

13. Do you believe life exists on other planets?
i don't disbelieve it.

14. If you won a million dollars, what would you do first?
oh man... so many things. pay off all my debt, woohoo! then start hookin it up! wow... just thinkin about it too much is makin me kinda super excited, so i'm stopping.

15. Which reality TV show could you picture yourself being on?
haha! um... ROAD RULES! i was made for that show ma'an!

18. What does love mean to you?
finding your soul's counterpart in another, in terms of a relationship. i think there can be more than one great match though, which trickifies things up. in terms of loving others, it means putting their happiness before yours. what sucks is when it happens to be that lots of the people you love have conflicting ideas of happiness.

19. How old were you when you found out Santa Claus wasn't real?
no idea.

21. What do you do to cure your hiccups?
um...usually try holding my breath or drinking water.. but i dont bother if it's not long-lasting...

22. Do you get distracted easily?
depends. like right now, it's time for "house" and i am going to stare at it.

23. What was your favorite backstreet boy when you were younger?
i didn't like them, ever.

24. Have you ever been stung by a jellyfish?
no. my sis was though. so was my cousin jojo. not on the same day. heard if you pee on a jellyfish sting it helps.

25. What food do you hate?
all things meat

26. When you procrastinate what do you usually do?
this and more this.

28. Is the weather nice outside?
it needs to fuckin RAIN!!!!

29. Where is your sister right now?
in wyoming.

30. If your life was a movie, what would the genre be?

31. Do you smoke at least one cigarette a day?

32. Are you any good at singing?
i dont think so, no. i love greg's voice though. love it when i catch him singin. i like to sing too, but i think i'm pretty tone deaf. teehee. so what? not like dylan has the greatest voice. love HIM...

34. Have you ever failed a grade?

35. What's the weirdest thing you've seen in the past week?
a giant hershey kiss mobile driving down the street.

36. Do you know anybody who has committed suicide?

39. Do you have x in your screenname?